CEB Consultants

Helping UK businesses increase their profits through smart procurement

Always Focused on your Business Needs

Our role is simple to help your business save money. Services offered include Gas, Electric, Water Contracts All types of Energy Management including New Connections, Renewable Technologies Solar, and Electric Car Charging Points.

We can also offer help and advice with claiming back Tax rebates on Climate Levy and Wastewater, we do these on a no win no fee basis.

registered with energy ombudsman

Energy Ombudsman

To operate as a broker in the Energy Industry you have to be authorised by the Energy Ombudsman (Membership Number C35COMP01).

Without authorisation the broker will not be allowed to deal directly with the suppliers. This rule was initially brought in to help the SME market but will soon be in place to cover the Corporate market as well.

It gives the client assurances the broker works in a clear, ethical way, it also allows the broker to be listed on the Ombudsman’s web site and carry their kite mark.

If you would like to discuss in more details how brokers work, please get in touch.

gas and electricity logo

Business Energy

In 2022 we saw energy prices reach unsustainable levels, and in November 2022 the Government had to step in to help.

Thankfully due to forward planning most of our clients were able to ride out the storm on fixed contracts.

Any new clients joining us whose contracts were due in this period were advised to only sign contracts for 6 months allowing them to receive Government help over the winter. We then saw prices reduce considerably in May 2023.

If you would like independent, impartial advice for your business, please get in touch.

electric car charging logo

Renewable Technologies

Through our other company CEC Renewables we now offer businesses help in reducing costs further and achieving their Carbon Reduction Targets.

The services on offer include: Solar PV Design and Installation, Electric Car Charger Installation, CHP, Energy Mangement, KVA Reduction and Sustainabilty Reporting.

Businesses are aware they need to reduce Carbon emmissions but most don’t know how to start, that’s where we can help. We will do a full site survey and offer recommendations.

If you’re a business looking to save money and start your Net Zero journey please get in touch.

How it Works

business audit generated

Let’s Do A No Obligation Audit

At this point all we ask for is a copy of the relevant bills for our experts to conduct a full analysis.

business report emailed

You Receive A Comprehensive Report

After doing an analysis of your bills we put together a report identifying any potential savings.

discuss savings with our team

Discuss Your Report And The Potential Savings

We offer our recommendations whilst also making you aware if there are no savings to be made.

Why Use CEB Consultants?

It’s not always financially feasible for a business to employ a full-time procurement specialist, but when the time is right independent external help can level the playing field ensuring a business achieves the very best savings available.

more time on your business

Save Time

CEB was specifically set up for the purpose of allowing businesses the freedom to continue their normal daily work.

Why would you want all the hassle when you can engage with an organisation who have your best interest at heart and a reputation second to none.

talk to our uk call centres

Talk to an Expert

Over the years we have helped hundreds of businesses across the UK save thousands of pounds off their bills.

Whether you’re a small SME or a large organisation with multiple sites, no job is too big or too small. Our team of experts are dedicated to helping you.

your finger on the button

You're in Control

Our job is to save your business money but equally if there are no savings to be made, we will let you know. But our service doesn’t stop there.

Join our monthly mailing list and receive expert knowledge keeping you updated on the markets and the latest trends.


Request You’re No Obligation Audit

To request an audit of your Gas. Electric or Water Bills, call our business audit team on Free Phone 0800-230-0086 or complete our form and we will get in touch.

If you were given a code by one of our team of introducers, could you help us by including it in the form.

Please tick to confirm you understand that any personal details entered here will not be shared, sold or rented for marketing purposes. All part of our GDPR commitment.

your request has been sent to our team

Thank You for contacting CEB

Your free business audit request has been sent, and one of our team will contact you at their earliest opportunity.